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Architecture/Int. Design

3D Rendering // Architecture // Interior Design

Post Processing

Inspired by science fiction, and science itself I set out to create a realistic recreation of planets and other astral bodies. Saturn was my first choice with its illustrious rings and turbulent surface. This project coincided with the end of the NASA Cassini space mission and as such I created a homage to the spacecraft.

Important to me was the glow of such an object, reflecting large quantaties of light I wanted to make clear the scale. With or without stars I am happy with the final result, I was at the time working with a new 3D rendering engine and testing the limits of the system, as such there are a few issues I couldn't resolve. The addition of the ship from 2001:A Space Odyssey helped add yet more depth and really made it more complete, creating an additional focal point. I mainly used publicy available tetures changing them where I needed to suit my needs, and creating more textures specifially for the render engine. The 2001: A Space Odyssey elements were downloaded from a free 3D archive and textures altered to my wants.

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