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UE5 Materials - World Aligned Textures (Megascans asset)

This short post will show you how to set up world aligned materials for use in rapid level design. This can help you hide seams and avoid UV sync issues between meshes. This tutorial shows me using megascans assets but feel free to use this for any textures.


Blueprint UE Code:



Material setup
  1. Add 3 texture object parameter nodes (Must be texture object not texture sample)

  2. Add two 'WorldAlignedTexture' nodes and one 'WorldAlignedNormal' node

  3. Add a scalar parameter node, default value 256 and connect this to the texture size of the WorldAligned nodes

  4. Connect your texture objects into their corresponding world aligned nodes

  5. Split the ARD Texture output with a split components or mask node, use the red channel for AO and the green channel for Roughness (Only necessary for megascans assets that contain 3 maps in one texture by channel)

  6. Connect the XYZ Texture outputs of all the nodes to their corresponding connections in the material properties output node

In this example you can quickly use basic cubes to block out buildings without worrying about overlapping and seams. You can see these two different basic cubes scaled and placed even overlapping but the world aligned texture solves this and stops seams appearing.

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